Amazon Research, Education and Ecology

July 6-24, 1998

The Ferreira Penna Research Station.

Objective of the Program:

  The Ohio State University Office of International Education (OIE) and the Department of Anthropology with the support from the Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi in Brazil are once more sponsoring this three-week study tour program to the Brazilian Amazon Basin.

Who Can Participate:

  This will be our third year of program development. In the past years we had participation from undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff from several universities in the USA and abroad, and also businessmen, high school teachers, researchers and the general public. This year we hope for an equally diverse group. The Program is designed to expose students, teachers, researchers and any individual (student or not) interested in Amazonian issues to the reality and diversity of the Amazon Basin and Brazil, and to help establish contacts with Brazilian scholars, scientists, environmentalists, etc.

Itinerary and Activities:

  This year, the Brazil Program is scheduled for July 6 to 24. Following is a brief description of the planned activities.

  We will start the program with a visit to Brasφlia, the country's capital and the political center of Brazil; from there we will fly to BelΘm in the heart of the Amazon Basin. BelΘm is a lively and colorful city of over 1.5 million inhabitants and the main gate to the Amazon river, in BelΘm we will visit the University of Parß and the Goeldi Museum. The group will then enter the Brazilian Amazon, one of the last and the largest of the rainforests in the world, the habitat for over half of the world's species of birds and thousands of species of mammals, fish, plants and insects, many not studied yet.

  We will travel west by boat and stay at the Ferreira Penna Research Station (FPRS), a pristine and protected tropical rainforest where researchers from the Goeldi Museum and visitors have a chance to study and observe all the intricacy of a hugely diverse ecosystem. Upon return from the FPRS we will visit and stay in the islands of Mosqueiro and Maraj≤, two areas representative of the cultural diversity found in Amazonia. At these sites we have a chance to visit local populations and interact with them as they perform their daily activities.

  On the way back to the USA, we will stop in Rio de Janeiro for a visit to this most famous among the world's cities.


  The total cost of the program is $2,540.00. It includes all transportation, lodging and breakfasts in Brazil and lunch in Rio de Janeiro, and all the meals at the FPRS.

College Credit:

  OSU students can enroll for ANTH 697 and earn four credits upon the completion of the program. Group travel arrangement to Brazil will be arranged by the program at special discount rates.

For More Information:

  For further information about the Brazil Program please contact Dr. Hilton Silva (e-mail: da, phone (614) 299-8106) or Grace Johnson at the Office of International Education, phone (614) 292-6101.


The view from atop the observation tower.

Dr. Hilton da Silva and a feathered friend at the Station.

Heading for the boat.

Hammocks on the boat.

In the field: Medical Anthropology.

In the field: Botany.

Riding water buffaloes on Maraj≤ Island.

A tornado on the Amazon River!

One of the beaches of Mosqueiro Island. No, it's NOT the ocean, it's the Amazon!

All photos courtesy of Dr. Hilton da Silva.

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